2008 Scripting Games - Advanced Event 10
Event 10: Blackjack!
$cards = "ah", "ac", "ad", "as", "2h", "2c", "2d", "2s", "3h", "3c", "3d", "3s", "4h", "4c", "4d", "4s", "5h", "5c", "5d", "5s", "6h", "6c", "6d", "6s", "7h", "7c", "7d", "7s", "8h", "8c", "8d", "8s", "9h", "9c", "9d", "9s", "th", "tc", "td", "ts", "jh", "jc", "jd", "js", "qh", "qc", "qd", "qs", "kh", "kc", "kd", "ks" function resolve-cardSign([string]$str){ switch($str.substring(1,1)){ "d" {"Diamonds"; break} "c" {"Clubs"; break} "s" {"Spades"; break} "h" {"Hearts"; break} } } function resolve-cardName([string]$str){ switch($str.substring(0,1)){ "a" {"Ace"; break} "2" {"Two"; break} "3" {"Three"; break} "4" {"Four"; break} "5" {"Five"; break} "6" {"Six"; break} "7" {"Seven"; break} "8" {"Eight"; break} "9" {"Nine"; break} "t" {"Ten"; break} "j" {"Jack"; break} "q" {"Queen"; break} "k" {"King"; break} } } function resolve-cardValue([string]$str){ switch($str.substring(0,1)){ "a" {11; break} {$_ -match "[tjqk]"} {10; break} default {$_} } } function shuffle-deck{ $max=$deck.count-1 for ($i = 0; $i -le $max;$i++) { $r = $rnd.next($max) $deck[$i],$deck[$r] = $script:deck[$r],$script:deck[$i] } } function deal-user($num){ 1..$num | foreach { $r = $rnd.next($deck.count) $cardName = "{0} of {1}" -f (resolve-cardName $deck[$r]),(resolve-cardSign $deck[$r]) $script:userCards+=$cardName $script:user+= resolve-cardValue $deck[$r] [void]$deck.removeAt($r) } } function deal-dealer($num){ 1..$num | foreach { $r = $rnd.next($deck.count) $cardName = "{0} of {1}" -f (resolve-cardName $deck[$r]),(resolve-cardSign $deck[$r]) $script:poshCards+=$cardName $script:posh+= resolve-cardValue $deck[$r] [void]$deck.removeAt($r) } } function print-hands([switch]$reveal){ "`nYour cards:" "-----------" $script:userCards "`nDealer's cards:" "---------------" if($reveal){ $script:poshCards } else { "?" $script:poshCards[1..($script:poshCards.length)] } "`n" } ######### cls $rnd = New-Object System.Random (get-date).millisecond $user=0 $posh=0 $userCards=@() $poshCards=@() $deck = new-object system.collections.arraylist $cards | foreach { [void]$deck.add($_) } shuffle-deck deal-user 2 deal-dealer 2 $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "user: $user, posh $posh" print-hands # while user score are less then 21 and user wants another card while(($user -lt 21) -and ((read-host "Stay (s) or hit (h) ?") -eq "h")){ deal-user 1 $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "user: $user, posh $posh" "`nYou have $user`n" if($user -eq 21) {print-hands -reveal; "You win."; return} if($user -gt 21) { print-hands -reveal "`nOver 21. Sorry, you lose." return } if(($user -eq 21) -and ($posh -eq 21)) { print-hands -reveal "`nYou have $user,`nThe dealer has $posh. Ties (pushes) go the dealer. Sorry, you lose." return } $script:userCards #$script:userCards; "You win."; return } "You have $user`n" # if dealer's hand is greather than users hand then the dealer wins if(($posh -gt $user) -and ($posh -le 21)) { print-hands -reveal "`nYou have $user.`nThe dealer has $posh. Sorry, you lose."; return } while($posh -lt $user) {deal-dealer 1} # final results if($posh -eq $user) { "`nYou have $user,`nThe dealer has $posh. Ties (pushes) go the dealer. Sorry, you lose." return } print-hands -reveal if(($posh -gt $user) -and ($posh -le 21)){ "`nThe dealer has $posh. You have $user, You lose." } else { "`nThe dealer has $posh. You have $user, You win." }
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